
Achieve your goals of optimal Health and Wellbeing


"Our online classes provide support and encouragement on your health journey!"

~ Dr. Brent Carlini and Mara

Elimination Diets and Purification Programs

Achieve your health and wellness goals - whether it's shedding those extra pounds, alleviating inflammation, or managing cholesterol levels, the key to success begins with a well-thought-out dietary strategy.

Our classes are online, and you'll work directly with Dr. Carlini virtually or in person.

Click here to learn more!

Mandalas and Mindfulness Art Classes

Explore Mindfulness and Art in an immersive journey in Mara's Mandalas and Mindfulness Masterclass.

Learn more about Mandala Classes

Watch FREE Welcome Videos

Our mission is to provide you with educational resources so you can take your health into your own hands.

Take control of your health

Your health is YOUR choice. Each decision you make affects you, and we are here to guide you to your best health. It's not easy making changes alone - we are here to help!

Questions? Please reach out to us.